Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Alat Ukur Kadar Air MC-7825PS / Multifunctional Moisture Meter

Alat ukur kadar air model MC7825PS ini mirip sekali dengan alat ukur MC7825P, bedanya hanya pada bentuk tusukan pada model ini. Pada model MC7825P bentuk tusukan berupa dua buah pin penusuk kecil, sedangkan pada pengukur kadar air MC-7825PS berupa sensor yang cukup ditempelkan ke object tanpa harus melukai atau dengan menggunakan PIN type yang bisa dipasangkan di alat ini yang akan ditusukkan ke object yang akan diukur kadar airnya. Sangat berguna untuk perusahaan / perorangan yang menganggap harga sebuah object akan turun jauh apabila object tersebut terkena luka oleh sensornya. Tapi, alat ini juga dilengkapi dengan pin type yang terhubung dengan kabel panjang, sehingga bisa juga untuk mengukur kadar air pada object dengan cara menusukkannya.

Pengukur Kadar Air seri MC-7825PS ini merupakan alat yang bisa digunakan dengan dua sistem, bisa menempelkannya tanpa melukai object, ataupun dengan cara menusukkannya dengan pin type bawaan alat ini.


Alat ukur kadar air model MC7825PS hanya diaplikasikan penggunaanya pada kayu, kayu manis, tembakau, kertas, kapas, tanah, bangunan, kayu artikel, dan bahan-bahan serat lainnya. Dengan didukung lebih dari 150 spesies yang bisa diuji dengan alat ini, alat ini terbukti sangat akurat sama dengan model MC7825P.

Apabila ternyata jenis tusukan kurang mencukupi untuk mengetes object yang akan diukur kadar airnya karena jenis tusukan berupa pin kecil, maka tusukan tersebut bisa digantikan dengan garpu sensor milik MC7825G.

Alat ini dapat dibawa kemana-mana (portable) karena menggunakan baterai untuk powernya. Sehingga tidak menyulitkan proses pengukuran kadar air pada masing-masing object.

Keakuratan MC7825PS juga sama dengan MC-7825P yakni mendekati±(0,5%n0,1) yang artinya dapat digunakan sebagai standar untuk mengecek kadar air pada object yang akan diukur sesuai pada spesifikasi alat ini.


  • Menentukan kadar air dalam kayu, tembakau, kertas, kapas atau yang lainnya secara akurat dan cepat,

  • Untuk memastikan kadar air yang sama seperti yang diinginkan pasar produksi & tingkat kekeringannya.

  • Untuk menghemat waktu & biaya di pengeringan.

  • Untuk mencegah penurunan & kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh kelembaban di penyimpanan & dalam perdagangan.

  • Untuk menentukan harga oleh kualitas dan kuantitas sesuai dengan kadar air dalam perdagangan.

  • Untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan & efisiensi pada pengolahan.

2-in-1 Scanner & Pin Type Moisture MeterClick to enlargeClick to enlargeClick to enlargeClick to enlargeClick to enlarge
Click to enlargeClick to enlargeClick to enlargeClick to enlargeClick to enlarge

Moisture meter launches its new version of moisture meter that incorporates a range of design refinements and advanced features to bring a TOP QUALITY MULTI-FUNCTION METER that detects moisture not just in WOODS but also in CONCRETE materials. A 2-in-1 Electromagnetic Inductive (Scanner) and Pins Insertion device. This non-destructive and high resistance instrument accurately measure dampness in buildings and building materials even in the hard-to-reach areas and diagnose its moisture conditions to aid understanding of how and why damp conditions may prevail. It if the materials is ready for use, unexpectedly wet or dry, or otherwise in need of further inspection. Switching between PIN & SEARCH (scanner) modes enables the building surveyors and practitioners across the globe to check the moisture levels of building elements such as walls, floors, and other masonry products for a vast range of quality control and dampness diagnosis applications including testing wood, caravans and other structures.

Operating MC-7825PS is as easy as selecting SEARCH MODE and holding the instrument against building elements such as walls or solid floors and the user can obtain a qualitative indication of the moisture level beneath the surface. Selecting the PIN MODE and pushing two needle probes into the surface of the wood or masonry and the user can obtain the actual moisture content or the material wood moisture. It bears the CE marking that certifies its compliance with the essential health standards and safety requirements set out by the European Directives, thus your safety while using the MC-7825PS is assured.

Usage & Applications:
Ideal to use in solid floors, wood, wood products such as wood fiber materials, wooden articles, Chinese traditional medicine, tobacco, cotton paper, furniture, trailer, camper, boat, sensitive wood articles with smooth wood surfaces, suitable on rough wood surfaces like measurements of firewood, fireplace wood, firing wood, building timber, lumber, planks, boards, asbestos, asphalt, Bakelite, brick, cardboard and paper, charcoal, chipboard, concrete, felt, fiberboard, foam, glass (including quartz and organic glass), granite, leather, lime, marble, peat, plaster, rubber, sand, stone, wood and many more.

It combines the most useful & powerful functions in one state-of-the-art instrument for a complete moisture surveying capability. Have it diagnosed with just a simple contact!


Key Features:

  • Has CE marking, conforms with the essential health and safety requirements set out by the European Directives, safety of the user is assured*

  • Equipped with 2 different testing methods, scanner and probes (SEARCH & PIN STEEL PROBES) to measure both wood and concrete dampness level*

  • For use in a wide variety of situations and capable to tests a massive range of different materials*

  • With Color coded LED lights, helps the user to map the extent of problems and monitor the changes in its condition precisely and reliably*

  • DATA HOLD function to freeze the current value at the display*

  • Provides alarm values that can be set by the user*

  • With sleek design that fits snugly in the hand, so it can be used effortlessly for long periods*

  • With easy to use hand held digital LCD display monitor with very bright for visual clarity and gives exact reading with no guessing errors*

  • Can be switches off automatically after five minutes or switch off manually*

  • Reliable and accurate testing results are guaranteed*

  • Approved by strict quality and safety standards*

  • Made from quality materials to ensure its DURABILITY for LONG and TROUBLE-FREE life

Type of materials that can be measured using MC-7825PS:

Various kind of woods***Marble, Granite, Magnetic***Glass***Peat***Concrete, Asbestos, plaster***Sand (dry) & Stone***Leather, Slag, Kerosene, Alcohol***Brick, Firebrick, Asbestine board***Polyethylene***White Lime, Lime***Soft Coal***Bamboo***Paraffin***Veneer***Charcoal***Foam***Felt


  • Sensor Type: Pin & Search type

  • Wood Measurement Range: over 150 species

  • Building Moisture Range: 0-50% Concrete

  • Measuring Range: 0-80%

  • Resolution: 0.1

  • Display: 4 digits, 10mm LCD screen

  • 3 Color Code LED light Indicator:
    *****GREEN light- represents safe & air-dry state
    *****YELLOW light - represents borderline state
    *****RED light - represents damp state

  • Accuracy: ±0.5%n or ±0.5% - which ever is higher

  • Measurement codes: 10 codes in pin mode and 20 codes in search mode

  • Search mode reads up to a depth of 50mm

  • Power Supply: 4x1.5V AAA (UM-4) battery

  • Power off: manual or 5 minute auto shut down

  • Operating Temperature: 0 - 50°C, Humidity: below 90% RH

  • Battery Indicator: low battery indicator

  • Dimensions: 165mm x 62mm x 26mm

  • 2 Pin Steel Probe Measurement: 1.5cm (0.5")

  • Weight (not including battery):175g

Accessories included:

2-PIN Steel Probe***User's Manual***Protective Carrying Case with Shock absorbent contoured rubber inside

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